Пройдемся по баянам.
читать дальшеThe question I got the most about Rhode was if she was a boy or a girl. She’s a female, a girl
NO!111111111 SHE IS A BOY!111111 XDDD
Miranda Lotto
Birth Date: January 1st
Риальне неудачница.
Why is Komui always wearing slippers?
He wears them because they’re comfortable
Великолепнейший пример ЛОГИКИ.
Is Kanda a guy or a girl?
No doubt about that one. He’s a guy.
No!!1 He's not guy, he's GAY!111 Lavaaaandaaaa
Q5. Is Allen left-handed?
A. He’s both.
Туда же.
У обычных людей любимая девушка - правая/левая рука, а у Аллена - обе 
я не пошлый
Tyki Mikk
He came about because I wanted to draw a handsome guy like Beckham
Когда читала мангу - о*уела.
Хошино-сама, за чтоооооо? Т_Т

ssss XD
Q. What does Kanda’s room look like?
A. None of your business.
Не ваше дело, суки!11
Я стесняюсь...
Q. There was a rubber ducky floating in the bath in Vol. 4. Did Kanda put it there?
A. Grr…
Спалили, гады...
Q. Who does Allen fear more, General Cross or Chief Komui?
A. Don’t ask me questions about that guy.
Он разбил мне сердце
Q. Allen is a boy, right?
Не, вы чо. Он УКЕ!11Its really funny XD again... Х_Х
[читаем... xD]